Halloween Giveaway | Win Newest LIFE Wireless Earbuds
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To celebrate our upcoming release LIFE, we're about to have a special giveaway for this Halloween season!!!
We're going to have 20 winners for a pair of LIFE & Peats in this giveaway
1) Follow SOUNDPEATS on
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2) Answer the question in the comments below:
Share something funny or scary about Halloween.

1) Entrants must follow SOUNDPEATS channels and respond to the Halloween question.
2) Giveaway ends at 0:00 PDT on Monday Oct 24th.
3) Winners will be announced in this blog on October 25th.
4) SOUNDPEATS reserves the right of final explanation.
Follow and comment below. More entries, more Chances!
Brand-new LIFE and sweet Peats are waiting for you!
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When I was a child, we moved to a new house, I saw a lady sitting in a white dresser in a pink room. He even waved at me. When I asked my mother who it was, she did not answer me. The weirdest part of the story was when we moved in, we realized that there were no pink rooms in the house, my family didn’t listen to me even though I was serious about what I was seeing. A few years passed and we started to renovate the house. When removing the wallpaper in the master bedroom, we noticed that it was pink.🤦♀️Halloween is coming, be careful👻
I was driving in Italy when I had a craving for food, I found the directions to the restaurant on Google Maps and went there. I walked into the restaurant and there was literally no one there. Not an employee, not a customer, not a cook. nobody. There was food on all the tables and there were money bags and wallets on the order table. The TV was also on. There were even hamburgers slowly cooking on the grill. There was no soul in that place. It was as if they had all disappeared at once.👻Happy Halloween Day
On Halloween last year, A bad math problem had messed up my nerves🤦♀️. I went to my father so that maybe he could solve it. I knocked on the door of his room. He said: “Come on…” I went inside and closed the door behind me. My hand was on the door handle when I remembered that my father went on a mission five days ago and has not returned yet.☹️👻
I remember I was probably 10 yrs old back then, that was on the evening of October 31 and I was pooping while I am playing on my phone and then I checked the time then it shows 12:00am Nov. 1 so I rushed my thing and hurriedly came out because I was too scared about the halloween back then that even the date of November 1 is frightening me🤣
Every November our favorite TV Program always showcase a Halloween Special Episode featuring different scary stories, and our whole family is watching it. Although it’s really scary for me, I’m still watching it because it also serves as a family bonding to us. ♥️♥️♥️
I arrived home on Halloween after a late finishing after noon shift to a house normally lit by the glow of various device LEDs, but the lights were mysteriously out. As I gathered my thoughts and headed through the house to change out of my uniform, I noticed a vague grey shadow float over through the darkness into the kitchen as a wave of cold hit me and then…
I didn’t want to play it safe with a skeleton costume, I want people to know I have guts.
My roommates and I went trick or treating in college because we wanted candy and we were broke college students 😂 We went as two m&m’s and a care bear. Mostly people gave us extra candy because they felt sorry for us 😅 and someone even gave us cans of pop!
when I was playing a horror game I started hearing strange noises that I couldn’t tell where they came from, I ignored it for a while but then it left me so intrigued that I decided to see what it was, I discovered that it was the cat playing
My siblings and I dressed up for halloween a few years ago. We didn’t want to spend money just to buy costumes and things. So, we just made it ourselves! Old garments made to look older and suitable for the theme. Masks made out of cardboards and papers. Make up made from cotton, food coloring and glue. Just DIY stuff. What’s unbelievable is we were quite successful. My sibling won best costume that night.
There’s one time in my High School days where some of my classmate were reporting in front of the class when suddenly one of my classmate that’s sitting screamed very loud. Apparently she saw a person/ghost soaked with blood holding a knife in front of us, which the whole class all never saw. Fear and panic grew inside so we all ran out of the room then.
When you want your costume to become scary and realistic, but it end up funny.
every time November 1 comes around, stories of wonders are trending, which make hairs stand on end. Scary stories connected to Halloween.
Here in the Philippines we celebrate the Halloween with a lot of food, the we go to cemetery to visit the grave of our love one.
When someone knocked on door then you open it but there is no one outside. 😱😱😱
Funny thing is to dress up like a ghost or zombie or a Prince/Princess just to get sweets. Trick or treat 👻
When I was a kid I was a bit of a geek so one Halloween I wore an image of a sine wave on my chest. People kept saying to me how wonderful that my heart was beating for them, but I had to keep correcting them and say that it wasn’t an image of my heartbeat (like an EKG) but instead it was a sine wave (like in math) lol.
I was scared to trick or treat as a child, thinking someone would kidnap me
What I experienced funny and scary the same time was when I went on this tour in province, people there has lots of beliefs about supernatural forces such as witches or what they Called “Manananggal” which is a flying – half bodied woman, preying on whatever. Of course I never believe in this, until one night, I’ve seen something big and black flying near the roof of where we stayed, I was shocked. Until I realized, it was just a Giant Bat, oh the size of the wing span, I think its around 4ft in length. Thank God
Scary about halloween is to love someone but you didn’t get that love back💔. Or to someone ghosted you💔👻. It scarier than see a ghost.
I had this experience, where me and my friends go to this creepy place they called abandoned hospital, that hospital served a hospital in ww2, and they say this hospital has a paranormal activity. Btw we went to that hospital on November 1, 2016.
A dude told me I was too old to trick or treat. I was in the 8th-grade smh 🤦♀️. It ruined a night I had been looking forward to for a month 😥
Last year when we celebrated Halloween in my city, it turned out and happened that my friends and I dressed up as police officers and others as mummies… while we all went together for sweets… the police stopped and asked those who were dressed as police officers " What have these guys done, officers?” and we all started laughing until we got a stomach ache from laughing so much. Was the best Halloween night we had on a while time.
I used to have full size dummies on the front lawn and would dress as one to scare trick or treaters when they would approach thinking it too was a dummy.
I visited a house one time where the owner had removed the screen from the top half of the door. He reached through the door at us wearing a scary mask. Definitely scariest house I went to.